About Me
I am an artist working between broadly understood theater, performance, and visual art. Taking inspiration from a variety of texts and archival documents,
I tend to create scenic works as if I was creating collages. To me, a collage is always made up of seemingly incongruent elements that nonetheless create
a new meaning when put together. It creates a polyphony, it speaks in different voices. To me, a Polish artist, who’s worked in the US and currently in the Netherlands, who believes in world without borders, multilingual aspect of my practice is of greatest importance.
My research mostly focuses on topics related to memory and its embodiment, both on a micro and macro scale. In a micro scale, a question that often runs through my work is: how do our bodies remember and why do they remember what they do? From very broad topics of bodily memory seen through the prism of medicine and psychology, to sociological construct of postmemory, I try to approach this question from many perspectives, each leading to a different outcome. In macro scale, I’m interested in mnemohistory, i.e. how we remember history and what of it stays with us. Seeing the growing polarization and the rise of the far right in Europe, led me to investigate how history and memory are used in political and social context, specifically relating to historical narratives and commemoraitve policies. Taking inspiration from Latin American documentary theater and perfromance practice, I’m interested in the sometimes radically different, sometimes very similar ways in which European and Latin American countries approach their politics of memory.
In 2023 I graduated cum laude from Harvard College with a degree in Thater, Dance and Media and Comparative Literature. I am currently an MA student in Performance Practices at ArtEZ in Arnhem, Netherlands.